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My Sister the Greatest

When 10-year-old Hadas asks her parents to buy her a couple of snakes, her family begins to fight like cats and dogs. Hadas has always been a girl of steel: fearless, outspoken, with a strong will and a short fuse. She is a lot like her energetic parents.

But her little brother Shlomi is different. Amidst the shouting and the clash of wills, Shlomi is an introverted boy who swallows his anger and wants to please everybody. Above all else he adores his sister. It is decided that Hadas will have to work for her snakes, and Shlomi will help her. Thus begins a series of odd jobs that brings Hadas, Shlomi and their parents into some hair-raising situations. This is Shlomi’s opportunity to prove that he is brave and he learns to forget his fears and shyness. When he too begins to slam doors and stamp his feet, his family is, for the first time, at a loss for words.

Title My Sister the Greatest
Writer's Last Name Ben-Canaan
Writer's First Name Uzi
Genre Children
Ages 7-9
Publisher (Hebrew) Keter
No. Pages 149pp.
Book title - Hebrew (phonetic) Achoti Ha-Gdola Mikulam