Translation Grants
Grants are available to foreign publishers who publish contemporary Hebrew literature of high quality in translation. Through these grants the Institute hopes to further the international visibility of promising Hebrew authors.
Publishers who undertake to translate a work of Hebrew literature can apply for a subsidy to help with the translation cost. This option is also available to literary journals that dedicate a special issue (or a special feature within an issue) to Hebrew literature, as well as to publishers who wish to publish anthologies.
Publishers are hereby advised to approach IIHL via email with any queries and requests re forthcoming submission rounds.
Please look for relevant updates, deadlines and further details of forthcoming rounds.
Any foreign publisher more than a year old, which publishes at least ten titles per year is eligible to apply. In addition, projects to be considered for translation subsidy must meet the following criteria:
- The work must have been published originally in Hebrew by a commercial Israeli publisher.
- The title submitted must be under contract or option by the publisher applying.
- The work must be contemporary high-quality fiction, poetry, or drama.
Grant Amounts
Grants awarded to the publisher may be used only towards payment of the translation. The amount awarded will depend upon such variables as length, textual complexity, and translatability. In no event will the amount of the grant exceed the translator’s fees, most grants will less. Payment of the grant will take place only following publication of the book, on receipt of published copies.
Review Criteria
In reviewing applications, the Institute will consider the following:
- Literary merit of the proposed work
- The potential of the work for successful translation
- Credentials of the translator (language expertise and record of translation of literary works)
- Applicant’s ability to carry out the project and distribute the books successfully
- Fiscal responsibility of the applicant
- Support for the project from other sources
Deadline and announcements dates
Applications may be submitted at any time, but it is advisable to apply before January 1 of each year. Please allow a minimum of three months for a response.
Application requirements
Applicants must submit:
- A complete application form
- The translation contract, signed
- Standard list of translation fees recommended by local official professional translators’ organization;
- A copy of the publisher’s catalogue or brochure;
- A copy of the signed contract or letter of agreement with the author that proves the press holds translation rights in the language of the proposed translation and specifies the royalty arrangements with the author for copies sold in translation.
IMPORTANT: Decisions concerning translation subsidies are subject to approval of the Institute’s authorized boards and the availability of funds.
Please send forms to :