Amir Gutfreund
אמיר גוטפרוינד

Amir Gutfreund (1963-2015) was born in Haifa and since 2005 lived in the Galilee. After studying applied mathematics at the Technion, he joined the Israeli Air Force where he worked for 20 years in mathematical research. Gutfreund received the Buchman Prize for Our Holocaust (2001), the Sapir Prize for The Shoreline Mansions (2003), the Book Publishers Association’s Gold Book Prize (2006) as well as the Rohr Choice Award (USA, 2007) for Our Holocaust, the Prime Minister’s Prize (2013) and the Ramat Gan Prize for The Legend of Bruno and Adella (2015). His last book, Mount of Beatitudes, was awarded the Steimatzky Prize for best-selling book of the year posthumously (2016).
Photo by: Moti Kikayon