Gershon Shofman
גרשון שופמן

Gershon Shofman (1888 -1972) was born in Orsha, Belorussia. He received a traditional religious education, but comprehensive reading of both Hebrew and Russian literature introduced him to European culture and the new trends in Hebrew literature developed under the influence of Mendele Mocher Sfarim and his disciples. His first collection of stories was published in Warsaw in 1902. In that same year he enlisted in the Russian Army and served for almost three years. In 1904, during the Russo-Japanese War, he fled to Galicia, remaining there until 1913, when he left for Vienna. He then settled in an Austrian village and lived there until he immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1938. He eventually settled in Haifa. Shofman was awarded the Bialik Prize (1946) and the Israel Prize (1956).