Netiva Ben-Yehuda
נתיבה בן יהודה
Netiva Ben-Yehuda (1928-2011) was born in Tel Aviv. She was a member of the elite Palmach unit and fought in the 1948 War of Independence. After leaving the army in 1949, she studied at the Bezalel Art Academy in Jerusalem and continued her studies in London. On returning to Jerusalem she studied Hebrew philosophy at the Hebrew University. Ben-Yehuda, a freelance editor, published a series of books of personal testimonies of Israel’s history. Her work concentrate on two subjects — her experiences before, during and after the War of Independence, and dictionaries aimed at enriching the Hebrew language. Ben-Yehuda’s dictionary of Hebrew slang, written with novelist Dahn Ben-Amotz, is useful as well as a tour-de-force of humor.