Tzipora Rozensher Dolan
ציפורה רוזנשר דולן

Tzipora Rozensher Dolan was born in Poland in 1948 and came to Israel two years later. She grew up in an immigrant neighborhood whose residents were mainly Holocaust survivors — like her parents—and refugees. She holds a BA in philosophy and sociology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is a graduate of the Avni Institute of Art and Design in Tel Aviv. Dolan worked for many years as a copywriter in advertising. At present she is a literary editor and ghost writer. She also holds workshops in writing for advertising. Rozensher Dolan has published fiction and a book for children; she has also written a play and a screenplay. She received the Hebrew Writers Association Award (1987), the ACUM Prize (1990) and the Prime Minister’s Prize (2013).
Photo by: Dan Porges