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English translation available (for publishers only)

A four-year-old boy and his dad decide to try and kick their bad habits together. The boy is very attached to his pacifier, which he calls Tzetzi, and his dad likes smoking. One day, when they are sitting together, the dad says: “This might be a good time to give up your pacifier. It isn’t good for you: it’ll make your teeth stick out.” “That’s exactly what they say to you about smoking,” says the boy, “that it’s bad for you!” So father and son make a “men’s pact”: they’ll collect all the pacifiers and all the cigarette packs lying around the house and put them in a closet. The boy has a hard time, he misses his Tzetzi, especially at night, but eventually he gets used to it and feels good about himself. Then he finds out that his father wasn’t as brave as him and hasn`t managed to give up smoking. He decides to help his dad give up his cigarettes, no matter what, even if he gets angry, because he loves him so much.

This is a story written largely about and for us adults, but it is also a story for children, who look up to us and learn about life and freedom of choice through us. Will we have the courage to learn from them?

Catalan, Spanish
Writer's Last Name Miron
Writer's First Name Shlomit
Genre Children
Ages 3-6
Illustrations Adi Adar
Publisher (Hebrew) Astrolog
No. Pages 35pp.
Book title - Hebrew (phonetic) Ha-Motzetz Sheli Ve-Ha-Motzetz Shel Aba