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English translation available (for publishers only)

A Feather of Love

A tale of love in springtime, featuring a vain peacock and a wise peahen, unfolds before the eyes of all the farm animals – from the tiny barn mouse to the big, bossy bull. The story is also about beautiful tail feathers that stretch out into a fabulous fan, until one by one they are plucked out, teaching an arrogant bird a lesson in humility. But above all, this is a story about giving that is suffused with love.

This is how it begins:

“It all started in the springtime,
When Peter the Peacock met Paula the gray peahen,
And thought that she was very beautiful.
He was so excited that he spread out his fan of tail fathers,
Shook them with pride, puffed up his chest, and shouted as loud as he could,
‘I am Peter the Peacock! I am King of Birds, because I am the most handsome bird in the world!’
‘I don’t like show-offs!’
Squawked Paula the Peahen, and she turned her back and looked away.”

Catalan, French, German, Hindi, Spanish
Title A Feather of Love
Writer's Last Name Horn
Writer's First Name Shifra
Genre Children
Ages 5-7
Illustrations Liora Grossman
Publisher (Hebrew) Hakibbutz Hameuchad
No. Pages 23pp.
Book title - Hebrew (phonetic) Notza Shel Aahava
  • “A magical tale of pride, generosity and true love … In addition, it is impossible not to enthuse about the work of the illustrator, who was inspired by the works of the Viennese artist Gustav Klimt.”