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A Feel for Business

Ma’ayan is not one of those sweet little girls who spend their time playing with dolls. She is practical, and she thinks young girls have a role to play in the adult world. Ma’ayan is proud of the business sense she has inherited from her father. Recently, her father has been having financial problems. “How can I help him?”

Ma’ayan wonders. Then she comes up with an original plan. She’ll sell their most valuable possession, her younger sister, who everyone likes so much… No need to worry, the potential buyers are family friends but no one can believe that Ma’ayan is serious. In the meantime, her mother also thinks of a plan. She will sell all the antiques that her grandmother brought to Israel from Germany. But Ma’ayan’s ‘business sense’ tells her to save a small chest, and in one of the drawers she finds a book, listing all of the family members and their birth dates. Ma’ayan understands that family members are not to be sold.

French, Portuguese, Spanish
Title A Feel for Business
Writer's Last Name Zarchi
Writer's First Name Nurit
Genre Children
Ages 8-10
Publisher (Hebrew) Hakibbutz Hameuchad
No. Pages 43pp.
Book title - Hebrew (phonetic) Chush Ha-Asakim Sheli