Again, Granny, Again!
Ory is visiting his granny in Tel Aviv for a day of fun. In the morning they go to a playground, and Ory tries to persuade granny to climb to the top of the slide and to slide down with him. Granny gets over her fears, holds tight onto Ory, shuts her eyes and the two slide down to the bottom. “Again, Granny,” says Ory, with his magic smile, and granny does it. Before lunch, they take a stroll along an avenue. Ory rides on his push car and granny runs along with him. “Again, Granny,” says Ory when he reaches the end of the path. “No, no,” puffs granny, but once again Ory smiles that magic smile, and adds a hug to it. How could she say no to such a cute grandchild? In the evening, granny gallops on all fours around the living room, neighing like a horse, with Ory riding on her back like a cowboy. And again, the boy does his magic and persuades granny to do what he wants, and again she gallops around. But, it looks like it’s not only Ory who’s enjoying himself, but granny is too. “Granny, I love you,” Ory whispers his magic words, as the two sit by the Tel Aviv seaside and watch the sunset.
In her first children’s book, Edna Mazya lovingly and amusingly describes the balance of power between little ones and grown-ups, and the magic webs that grandchildren spin around their grandparents.

“Granny can be pure fun. That’s how Granny is in Again, Granny, Again! The story is accompanied by lovely illustrations.”
“Thank the Lord that there is at least one granny like this in our lives. What would we do without her?”
“A loveable book … The book does not suffer excessively from the narcissism that afflicts children’s books written by parents and other adults about themselves. It also leaves the child as a significant character in the story. A child will see himself in this book … The granny’s self-deprecating humor is well taken. ”
“A real-life book, written more for the energetic grandmothers of our day than for their grandchildren, but that does not detract from its loveliness. The opposite is true.”