Apartment with Garden Entrance & Other Stories
The nine stories in this collection differ in their setting, characters and period, but share the restraint characteristic of Kenaz`s writing, his unique insight into his characters and the precise humor that helps give them relief.
“Wild Flesh, Foreign Flesh,” set in a small agricultural settlement during the early years of the state, focuses on a Holocaust survivor who is convinced that Nazi flesh is growing inside her body. In “Memory of a Dead Moment,” the children meet the village idiot hiding in an orange grove, who turns out to be quite benign. In “Room Number 10,” a devoted son accompanies his elderly father to the doctor and shares the humiliation of old age, while “The Shezaf Case” focuses on a soldier who is held responsible for an act he did not commit and is haunted by the incident for years.
A long-awaited work by this major Hebrew writer.
- Languages
French, German, Italian
Arles, Actes Sud, 2010 -
Florence, Giuntina, 2011 -
Munich, Luchterhand, 2011
Title | Apartment with Garden Entrance & Other Stories |
Writer's Last Name | Kenaz |
Writer's First Name | Yehoshua |
Genre | Fiction |
Publisher (Hebrew) | Am Oved |
No. Pages | 212pp. |
Book title - Hebrew (phonetic) | Dira Im Knisa Ba-Chatzer Ve-Sipurim Acherim |
“ The power of this book lies in the humble refusal at its heart: the darkness will not be illuminated artificially, the strange will not become familiar.”
“ What grips you immediately in Kenaz’s work is the atmosphere that he creates… His stories are unsettling; they have something chilling and hypnotic about them; they function like a magnifying glass, enlarging at will the ever-open wounds of a country still in search of itself. ”
“ Writing of rare beauty… This is real literature. ”