Baldy Heights [with Ephraim Sidon]
In Baldy Heights nobody has any hair. It would be a crime. Even’s the town’s mayor is chosen for his smooth, shiny head. But one day the mayor wakes up and finds… a hair! Neither plucking nor tweezing, neither cutting nor pulling, nothing gets rid of the hair and it grows apace.
There is a riot in the town when the hair is discovered and the crowd closes in on the mayor. But a hair can be useful. An eagle lifts two children out of the riot, but the mayor lassoes the eagle’s beak with his long hair and brings the children to safety. Further down the road, a woman is trapped in a fire and the hair is woven into a safety net for her to jump into.
The town’s elders reconsider: this man should be honored. So a huge staff is engaged to primp the ever-growing hair. Caps are knitted and bows are sewn. But the mayor becomes lonely. After all, nobody really likes a man with a hair. So he leaves to look for a town where the people are hairy. But when he arrives at the city gates: “A hair!” laughs the city guard. “You call that a hair!”