Bubble in the Wind
This is a magical story that takes us on a fanciful journey inside a soap bubble. Our story opens when Noa and her mother go out onto their balcony to blow bubbles. Bubbles of all sizes float away into the air, but in the end they all burst. Only one disappears over the rooftop of the building opposite. “Perhaps the wind is taking it on a trip,” says Noa, and she and her mother start imagining the scenes the bubble sees on its travels. On the third floor it sees a Dalmatian, which stops barking when it sees the bubble. Through the window of one of the houses it sees a baby crying, but the baby stops crying and stretches out its hand to the bubble. In another house the bubble sees an old woman who is very sad because her daughter and granddaughter live far away, but when she looks at the bubble, she consoles herself with the thought that when her granddaughter comes to visit during the summer vacation, they will blow bubbles together. In a third house, the bubble sees a family eating dinner, and it wants to join them for a rest, but the wind carries it off to sea. On the beach, a boy sees it and realizes that it has come from far away. He looks inside and sees everything reflected in it – even Noa and her mother on their balcony – as if in a crystal ball. The bubble is now very tired by now, and suddenly a big wave comes and takes it out to sea with all the bubbles of foam. “We’ve made up a sad and happy story,” says Noa. “It`s sad because the trip was over quickly, and happy because the bubble saw so many things.” Noa`s mother gives her a big kiss and went off to prepare dinner. Noa continued blowing bubbles and blows two bubbles, a small one and a big one. “Like a little girl and her mother,” she thinks to herself.