Dad Had a Baby
This is a humorous family story with feminist elements and a suspenseful crime story with a happy ending. Is it a typical family? Not really. Mom – Anat Elkayam – is a busy and energetic juvenile court judge who comes home from work late; Dad is Doctor Yiftah Elkayam, a philosophy lecturer with an open mind and plenty of spare time. They have three children, and then a new baby girl joins the family. What`s to be done when Mom is so busy? Dad Yiftah will be happy to take over from her and look after the baby and the older children. According to a law passed recently by the Knesset, parents can decide which of them is going to take maternity leave, and in the Elkayam family, Mom has decided to go back to work immediately after the birth, while Dad stays home with the baby. Dad is no genius at cooking and he forgets to bring little Shamgar home from kindergarten, but he`s a great Dad who tries very hard. Slowly but surely he learns to be a perfect homemaker.
But not everything runs smoothly. Anat receives a threatening letter, a hand-grenade is found on the garden path, and someone puts a narcotic drug in the pizza. There`s no question that someone is trying to take revenge on Judge Elkayam. Two bungling criminals equipped with a pistol break into the house while Anat is away at a conference in Italy. One of them is the father of a boy sentenced to imprisonment by Judge Elkayam. With a little outside help, the family manages to overcome the criminals, and when Anat returns from Italy, everything gets back to normal.