Eyal’s Monster Catcher
Little Eyal, like many other children of his age, is scared of monsters that appear in the night. But it turns out that you can overcome even a monster with three heads, if you take the right precautions. Eyal comes to his grandparents’ home equipped with a “monster catcher” – a pine branch with three cones on it. When Eyal goes to bed, it will take care of him, he tells Grandma. And Grandma reassures him. “If some dumb monster comes calling, I`m sure it’ll get a fright and run away,” she says. But Eyal falls asleep worried. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, he wakes up and sees a gigantic, black three headed monster, snarling over his head. He calls Grandpa and Grandma, who try to convince him that it was only a dream. But Eyal sobs that he wants to go home. Then Grandpa remembers that the same monster used to scare Eyal’s dad when he was a kid. And how did his dad catch him? Well, with a lasso! And if it worked then, why shouldn’t it work now? Grandpa goes to the shed to bring the “monster catcher,” but when he comes back, he finds that Eyal has fallen asleep in a safe place – his grandparents; bed.