Flying Tiger
Mickey Milo used to have an ordinary, organized life: two talented children, a successful husband, a pleasant job and a nice home. Until she got a phone call: her young son, a high-school student, has accidentally shot and killed his best friend with his father’s gun. The tragedy shatters Mickey’s world and she feels that everything she has built is collapsing. The neighbors in their small village are all talking, the media hound the family, good friends turn their backs, and even her husband doesn’t see eye to eye with her about how to handle the situation. Mickey is forced to get hold of herself, look squarely at the conflicts and lies in her life, and battle for her home. Not easy, because she has to change from being a house cat with perfect manicure and immaculate appearance into a tigress baring her claws to defend everything that is dear to her.
With consummate skill, sensitivity and a meticulous eye for subtlety, Yael Tevet Klagsbald opens up the contents of a contemporary Israeli Pandora’s Box, giving us a close-up of an apparently model family when one of its members causes a tragedy. Most fascinating is the portrait of Mickey, who finds the inner strength to do battle and insist on her rights without relying on others.
Flying Tiger is an engrossing and very readable novel that captivates the reader from the very first page.
“Flying Tiger will conquer the bestseller lists … It is an engrossing book, very well written, suspenseful and disturbing. It is harsh and yet full of self-deprecatory humor, it is easy to read but multi-layered.”
“Tevet Klagsbald isn’t afraid to go deep into the relationship between spouses, between siblings, between a nuclear family and their elderly parents, between the past and the present, and mostly, between parents and their children. She does this smartly and honestly, without losing pace for one moment, which makes this novel a page-turner and a first-rate read.”
“ The intriguing beginning, on the verge of the grotesque, captivated me … There’s no doubt that the biographical lines of the book are also the secret of its success and of its becoming a bestseller.”
“ Flying Tiger is a powerful book. It is another work in the classical tradition of universal moral tales, but this time in a very Israeli version … A compelling book … A book that will intrigue its readers and make them think. It is readable, clever, surprising … A serious work of art.”