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Hemingway and the Dead-Bird Rain

What does Tal Shani, a typical rough-edged, one-of-the-guys youth from the “big city” of Tel Aviv have to do with little Tolik Sneiderman sitting alone in a tiny, empty apartment in a provincial town of the USSR, convinced that the Germans will soon come to take him away, just like they took his grandfather? What does Tal, waiting in line at a post office in a wealthy Tel Aviv neighborhood have to do with the boy waiting for his “adopted” grandfather to return from the frozen Gulag to Rosa’s derelict backyard, outside the old town of Dnestrograd? And what does a huge Soviet placard pointing an accusing finger at a solitary Jewish child have to do with a famous Israeli TV skit about new immigrants?

With a style as finely honed as a laser beam, Boris Zaidman gives us the experience of hundreds of thousands of “Toliks” who live simultaneously in two parallel worlds that will never meet. With his penetrating, skeptical outlook, his sensitivity to the disingenuousness of official language and his powerful writing brimful with images, Zaidman lays before us-perhaps for the first time in Hebrew literature-the dualistic core of what is dubbed “the Russian immigration”.

French, German, Italian, Spanish
Title Hemingway and the Dead-Bird Rain
Writer's Last Name Zaidman
Writer's First Name Boris
Genre Fiction
Publisher (Hebrew) Am Oved
No. Pages 221pp.
Book title - Hebrew (phonetic) Hemingway Ve-Geshem Ha-Tziporim Ha-Metot
  • “ An excellent novel... The two parts of Tolik’s self…develop with admirable reciprocity [thanks to Zaidman’s] great narrative skill... Tolik's story is such that we cannot lay it aside, even for a moment. ”

    La Stampa
  • “ A magical book about a double departure and a double homecoming. A really amazing first novel. ”

    Neue Züricher Zeitung
  • “ A virtuoso novel! ”

    Le Magazine littéraire
  • “ In this novel, nostalgia and the ludicrous fight for the upper hand and Zaidman expresses his disillusionment with beautiful irony. Israelis of Russian descent have doubtless finally found their voice. ”