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Hold on to the Sun

Govrin’s stories are linked by a common theme, a sudden break in petit bourgeois living that reveals the mystical moments of revelation underlying daily life. In the title story, a Jerusalem scholar who studies the history of Jewish prayer is looking for a special, long-neglected prayer book. He does not find the book. Instead, he comes across a story about a tribe living on a Pacific island which celebrates a yearly ritual of holding the sun. Other stories also contain unexpected discoveries.

The triptych “La Promenade” portrays several Polish Holocaust survivors who meet in a peaceful summer resort. Memories of the Holocaust emerge through a weave of politeness and hypocrisy, underscoring the vanity of life and the insignificance of time.

Title Hold on to the Sun
Writer's Last Name Govrin
Writer's First Name Michal
Genre Fiction
Publisher (Hebrew) Hakibbutz Hameuchad
No. Pages 141pp.
Book title - Hebrew (phonetic) Leʹehoz Ba-Shemesh
  • “ In all of these stories, Govrin exercises magic or hypnosis. ”

  • “ Especially recommended to the discerning reader in search of quality fiction.”