Impossible Love?
Annabel, a girl from a village in northern Israel, is spending the summer vacation with her cousin Ayala in Tel Aviv. Annabel’s parents are very busy – her farmer father is teaching an agriculture course in the south, and her mother has gone to the U.S. to complete her doctorate. So she has nowhere to go, even when it isn’t fun being with Ayala, because her parents have rented out their house to a family of French tourists. Annabel likes her cousin, but she also envies her because she is amazingly pretty, the boys run after her. And then Annabel falls in love with Ayala’s new boyfriend, Evyatar, and finds it hard to hide her feelings.
To make things worse, Ayala’s parents decide to separate. In turmoil and rebellion, she runs away to an area full of foreign laborers in south Tel Aviv to take care of a five-year-old girl. Ayala believes the little girl is her half-sister by her father’s girlfriend, a fashion model who has gone abroad to further her career. Annabel, Evyatar and his peculiar brother, Adam, a gifted but withdrawn teenager, set out to look for Ayala. They are helped by Annabel’s strange ability to see the auras surrounding people in color. These colors express their natures and moods and reveal other invisible things about them.
What are the chances that Evyatar will finally fall in love with Annabel? And who does Adam have feelings for? In order to handle the crisis, Annabel needs far more than being able to see the color of people’s auras. She must understand the meaning of the mess in her and her cousin’s lives. Most important of all, she must believe that love is possible.