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English translation available (for publishers only)

In the Crusaders’ Kingdom

Dorit Orgad turns back to the 12th century to show that friendship can flourish in the most unlikely circumstances. Yehuda is the son of a Jewish doctor. Robert is the son of a French Crusader, the Prince of Tiberias. The two discover a mutual passion for Robert`s homing pigeons, which are trained to carry messages between Crusader commanders. As Saladin`s army approaches, Robert and his family must leave Tiberias for a distant fortress. The two boys exchange messages through the mail pigeons, but when his family flees again, Yehuda is forced to leave his pigeons behind. The sole surviving pigeon brings a final message from Robert, who is now returning to France after the defeat of his father`s forces. The historical details are enhanced by the use of original period art.

This exciting historical story was awarded the Bernstein Prize.

Title In the Crusaders’ Kingdom
Writer's Last Name Orgad
Writer's First Name Dorit
Genre Children
Ages 9-11
Publisher (Hebrew) Massada
No. Pages 54pp.
Book title - Hebrew (phonetic) Shnei Chaverim Be-Mamlechet Ha-Tzalbanim