Love Trap [Honey Trap]
Daphne Bernstein is seeking a second chance. A misguided decision changed her life in a single moment, and from that moment on she has been searching for the opportunity to get her life and the life of her young daughter back on track. As a result of her mistake, Daphne`s medical license has been revoked for ten years. Her endeavors to rebuild her life have taken her across the United States and have brought her, ultimately, to Jerusalem, a city she does not particularly like, but which offers her new hope. She soon finds, however, that this hope comes at a high price; she is now embroiled in a web of fear, danger, secret service involvement and biological experiments that could seal the fate of millions. But her second chance is worth the price.
Daphne`s ordeal allows her to examine her life – her relationships with men; with her mother; with her daughter. She reflects on her marriage to a man she never loved while gradually developing a strong attachment to a man she should not love. Contemplating her relationship with her mother, she questions her own motherhood, afraid that she might be repeating the mistakes her mother made with her, thus perpetuating the cycle of criticism, miscommunication and lack of understanding.
This suspense-filled novel depicts the suspicion and paranoia that consume a vulnerable, hopeless woman who is conscious of the enormous discrepancy between reality and her ability to decode it. Jerusalem, with its mystical mixture of the holy and the mundane; with its occasional delusional, fanatical pilgrim; provides the perfect backdrop for this complex plot and for Daphne`s confusion. “All these years I`ve wanted only one thing: another chance, to start again where life went wrong,” Daphne explains to her daughter. Through this perilous, treacherous experience, she learns just how rare second chances are, but never ceases to believe in their existence.

- Languages
, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014;
Kindle book: , Amazon Digital Services, 2014
Title | Love Trap [Honey Trap] |
Writer's Last Name | Jackont |
Writer's First Name | Amnon |
Genre | Fiction |
Publisher (Hebrew) | Keter |
No. Pages | 206pp. |
Book title - Hebrew (phonetic) | Malkodet Dvash |