Milligram Giraffe
This is the touching story of someone different, someone weaker than her peers who one finds she has an exceptional quality. And it gives her confidence.
Milligram is exatly what her name implies: a tiny giraffe, different from her tall siblings. And as if that isn’t bad enough, she has no giraffe spots – her coat is pure white. Of course, her appearance makes her sad because her parents can’t comfort her (giraffes don’t speak). What is the solution? Her Mom and Dad climb to the top of a mountain. The plan is that Milligram will keep an eye on them, and this will make her stretch her neck. So Milligram watches her parents, she stretches and stretches her neck, but she doesn’t get any taller. As night falls, beasts of prey surround the little giraffe. Milligram is scared, and she yells. “Go away!” The animals have never heard a giraffe speak, no less shout, and they flee in fear! Now Milligram understands that even though she may be different from the other giraffes, she is the only one who can speak, shout, cry and laugh!