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Printed Circuits

Avner Shats’ experimental fiction explores the elusive connection between the author’s narrative persona and the characters he creates. Modifying scientific and historical facts, he creates an alternative history that captivates the reader through its poignancy and its humor. Several of these stories are about women’s history, which Shats discusses with liveliness. Shats’ own identification with women is evident in the collection’s first two stories, which describe rebellions against patriarchal societies; the successful uprisings represent the triumph of the primordial, natural world over the modern world.

Title Printed Circuits
Writer's Last Name Shats
Writer's First Name Avner
Genre Fiction
Publisher (Hebrew) Keter
No. Pages 157pp.
Book title - Hebrew (phonetic) Maʹagalim Mudpasim
  • “ Shats walks around the world with a pin, sticking it in the most painful balloons. He does this with smiles, without anger, and it is definitely refreshing.”

    Yedioth Ahronoth
  • “ Shats is [like] a young plant, pure and original, that modestly blossomed between plastic flowers and sharp thorns. These dozen stories show his wide-ranging talents as a writer of anarchistic imagination and creative power.”

    Kol Ha'Ir
  • “ Not only is this a humorous book, it is also a pleasure to read, surprising, entertaining, thought-provoking, and especially, funny - sometimes to the point of tears.”