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Tears of Fire

Tears of Fire is the story of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and of Zvia Lubetkin, who took part in the revolt. In 1943, the Nazi command issued orders to liquidate the Ghetto. Against all reason and with no chance of success, Mordechai Anilevitch, Yitzhak Zuckerman and others led the uprising from the famous bunker in Mila Street. After three weeks of fighting, the main bunker fell and Zuckerman and Zvia escaped through the Warsaw sewage system. They lived on to fight with the Polish partisans in the Polish revolt of 1943. Zvia Lubetkin’s testimony at Eichmann’s trial in 1961 supplied the eye-witness account that formed the basis of this book.

Title Tears of Fire
Writer's Last Name Omer
Writer's First Name Devorah
Genre Children
Ages 12-16
Publisher (Hebrew) Y. Sreberk
No. Pages 209pp.
Book title - Hebrew (phonetic) Dmaʹot Shel Esh