The Bad Boy
The Bad Boy is a literary gem. Written in rhyme with great psychological sensitivity, it is a monologue by Gad who confides the struggle within him between good and evil. Gad is not really a bad boy, just an ordinary one. He’s a little impulsive, and doesn`t always know how to control his temper, but he`s always sorry afterwards. He really tries to be good, but what can he do? Within him hides a bad boy, who breaks out and does embarrassing things.
For example, when Gad is at his aunt`s house, at first he behaves well and is careful to say “please” and “thank you.” Then, suddenly, he bursts out and calls his aunt “stupid.” His Mom and Dad are angry, and they`re right, but Gad doesn`t know how to explain to them that it`s not him, it’s the “bad boy.” The same happens when he`s playing in the yard with Yochevet. Everything is nice, and Gad lets Yochevet win a game; and then suddenly, without knowing why, he pushes her and she falls over. And again, it wasn’t him, it was the “bad boy.” Yochevet`s mom is angry, and her grandmother says, “Gad is a bad boy.” And then, instead of saying sorry, Gad calls the grandmother an idiot! Gad tries to banish the bad boy, but nothing helps – he keeps coming back. Perhaps, thinks Gad, when I grow up a little, the bad boy will leave me and never come back.