The Garden of Stars
Dan has a friend whose name is also Dan and they go to the same kindergarten. The first Dan tells us about his friend:
Dan is different from me, he says, but he tells me his secrets because he`s my best friend.
And here is what the second Dan tells the first Dan: Every night before I go to sleep, I drink a magic potion and when I lie in bed wonderful things happen. Two airplanes come and fly me high in the sky. Then I land in a garden of stars, and I pick up the stars and put them in my hat. When my hat is full, I eat the stars, and each one has a different taste! Later, the star gardeners come to water the garden and they tell me to go home because it will soon be morning. Last night, they gave me star seeds as a gift to plant in my garden, and in a year, when they’ve grown, I`ll invite you to come and eat the stars in my garden.
The first Dan is fascinated by the second Dan`s story, but he isn’t sure that he`ll go: what if his friend`s story isn`t true? Two children with the same name, but different personalities. The one soars off in his imagination, while the other doubts its truth. But both love good stories!