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The God in the Machine

Danny, a brilliant gamer and gifted hacker, prefers solving his problems by breaking into computers with such sophistication that it doesn`t cause any damage. His gamer friend Tom and he spend all their time by the computer, waiting impatiently to try out Deus, an AI program that is supposed to alter how people think about computers. In the beginning, everything goes well with Deus, but then things start to get messy: first Danny gets into trouble with the basketball captain, then with his teacher, then with the Principal, and finally with the greater forces of Deus itself. These forces draw him, and all the other students, into a dizzying mind game that jeopardizes the entire country.

Danny begins to understand the dangers of Deus, but his attempts to solve the problem through the computer only make things worse. Adisa, another hacker, comes to his aid and together they discover that Dr. Gold, one of the program`s developers, has taken it over and turned the brilliant discovery into a dangerous device.

The God in the Machine, a thrilling science-suspense story, is based on a successful Israeli TV series, awarded “Best Children`s TV Series of 2009” by the Israeli Film & Television Academy.

Title The God in the Machine
Writer's Last Name Shem-Tov
Writer's First Name Tami
Genre Children
Ages 12 up
Publisher (Hebrew) Kinneret
No. Pages 270pp.
Book title - Hebrew (phonetic) Deus: Ha-El She-Be-Thoch Ha-Mechona]