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The Man from the Other Side

This captivating story is based on the real life experiences of a Polish journalist whom Uri Orlev met in Israel long after the war was over. Young Marek, a 14-year-old Catholic boy, lives in an anti-Semitic surrounding and helps his stepfather smuggle food and guns to the Jews inside the Warsaw ghetto ‒ for money, not for any humanitarian reason. However, he soon finds himself helping to hide a man who has escaped the ghetto, and then returning with him. The story follows Marek through many revelations as he learns that he himself is Jewish.

Among the many awards for this book:
Highly Recommended, Foundation for the Collective Promotion of the Dutch Book, 1990
Preis der Leseratten, Germany, 1991
Honor List, Auswahlliste Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis, Germany, 1991
Notable Title, Children’s Book Council, USA, 1991
Batchelder Award, American Library Association, USA, 1991
National Jewish Book Award, USA, 1992

This book is now represented by ITHL in the following countries: Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Yugoslavia, the (Russian) C.I.S., Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Chinese (simplified), Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Swedish
Title The Man from the Other Side
Writer's Last Name Orlev
Writer's First Name Uri
Genre Children
Ages 10-15
Publisher (Hebrew) Keter
No. Pages 143pp.
Book title - Hebrew (phonetic) Ha-Ish Min Ha-Tzad Ha-Aher
  • “Subtle, beautifully crafted, altogether compelling.”

    Kirkus Reviews
  • “ The author's refusal to exaggerate gives the story unimpeachable impact.”

    Publishers Weekly
  • “ This is a story of individual bravery that highlights just how hopeless was the fate of the Warsaw Jews as they fought alone and heroically against the Nazi war machine.”