The Third in the Second Row
This is a detective thriller with an interesting plot that shifts between an illegal outpost in the occupied territories, Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan and Prague. At its center is Avi Cohen, known as Romano, a corrupt policeman who has been dismissed from the force. At the start of the novel he is at rock bottom, hiding out in an illegal outpost in the occupied territories. Romano managed to avoid a jail term by testifying against other police officers. Now, these policemen, together with some underworld characters to whom Romano owes money, want to kill him. In addition to these troubles, his ex-wife – who has been having an affair – sues him for maintenance and won`t let him see his daughters. But his luck is about to turn. Asher Kantor, a former friend, millionaire and the owner of some shady businesses, hires him as a private investigator. Romano has to find Kantor`s accountant who absconded with ten million dollars. Romano finds the trail of the beautiful accountant, but in the end discovers that he is the victim of a sophisticated sting operation set up by Kantor himself. At the last minute, however – and purely by chance – Romano uncovers Kantor`s plot and reveals the truth.
Romano is a classic anti-hero, with numerous weaknesses and human failings. Yet although he arouses revulsion at first, the reader slowly comes to identify with and even like him. For Romano loves Czech literature and the novel is dotted with quotes from another book – Flowers for Ludmilla, by Jan Novotny – which help Romano with his investigation. But, of course, Flowers for Ludmilla and Jan Novotny are also a fiction created by Gal Amir.