A realistic story on the essence of childhood, and Zarchi’s answer to Tinkerbell.
Tinkertank lives in fairyland, but she’s not like the others. She’s clumsy and absent-minded and bumps into things; she even squashed the fairy queen’s birthday cake by mistake. After yet another calamity, the fairy queen banishes her and Tinkertank falls to earth like a sack of potatoes. Where will she go? “If I’m heavy, why am I a fairy and if I’m a fairy, why am I heavy?” she wonders in despair. But a wise she-raven comes to her aid, and the two fly off to see a professor in his laboratory. “Eureka!” shouts the professor, after studying the case, “she’s actually a little girl!” Tinkertank thinks about it and eventually decides to be a girl. She even agrees to go to school and the professor promises her that a mom and dad will be waiting for her after school. “And do you think I’ll fit in?” Tinkertank asks hesitantly. “Oh, of course. All little girls ask themselves that question,” the professor answers.
A clever and original story.