Hana Goldberg
חנה גולדברג

Hana Goldberg was born in Haifa, Israel. She did her military service as a journalist during the Yom Kippur War, and after her discharge studied philosophy and English literature at Haifa University. She then moved to Tel Aviv and worked as an editor at various magazines. Later, she became a successful lyricist, working with some of the biggest names in Israeli popular music. She also wrote her own column on children’s literature in Israel’s web portal Ynet. From 2002 to 2005 Goldberg was chairperson of the Board of Directors of ACUM, Israel’s society of authors, composers and music publishers. At present, she holds creative writing workshops.
Goldberg has published a number of bestselling novels, children’s books and collections of poetry. She has written hundreds of lyrics, many of which have become hits in Israel. In 2015 she was awarded the ACUM Prize for Lifetime Achievement.
Photo by: Tamar Matsafi